Veteran Malayalam actor Meghanathan, aged 60, passed away due to complications from a lung-related illness. He was receiving treatment at a private hospital in Kozhikode and breathed his last on Wednesday. His funeral will take place at his residence in Shoranur on Thursday, according to family members.
Hailing from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, Meghanathan was the third child of legendary actor Balan K Nair and Sarada Nair. He is survived by his wife Susmitha and daughter Parvathi.
Meghanathan's career began in 1983 with his debut in Asthram. Over the years, he appeared in more than 50 films, with notable performances in Panchagni, Chamayam, Rajadhani, Bhoomigeetham, Chenkol, and Vaasthavam. Apart from films, he was also a prominent figure on Malayalam television, starring in serials like Meghasandesham, Kathayariyathe, and Streetwam. His final film appearance was in Samadhana Pusthakam earlier this year.