Aroma Mani, known for producing 62 films under Aroma Movies and Sunita Productions in Malayalam and Tamil, alongside directing 13 films, breathed his last on July 14, 2024. He was cremated at Aroma Gardens in Aruvikkara. His wife, late L Krishnamma, and children M Sunilkumar, M Sunita Subramanyam, and M Anilkumar survive him. Mani, fondly called 'Mani Sir' by superstars, was respected for his unwavering commitment to cinema. His critical evaluation of films earned him universal regard, and he never compromised his principles for trivial matters. His successful movies often featured stars like Mammootty, Mohanlal, or Suresh Gopi. Among his notable works, "Thinkalhazhcha nalla divasam" directed by Padmarajan and "Doore doore oru kootu koottaam" directed by Siby Malayil won national awards. He ventured into various genres, from family entertainers to political dramas, consistently entertaining audiences and turning profits. Out of his 62 films, only five didn't perform well at the box office. Born to Madhavan Pillai and Thayammal, Mani entered filmmaking after an initial stint in business. His hotels and textile ventures under the Aroma brand preceded his foray into cinema, where his debut film "Dheera sameere Yamuna theere," scripted by Cheri Viswanath and directed by Madhu, marked the beginning of a successful partnership. Throughout his career, Mani remained stoic in the face of both success and failure, maintaining a traditional Kerala style in his attire. His financial acumen and self-confidence made him a role model for other producers, emphasizing low-budget filmmaking without compromising on quality. His legacy in Indian cinema is marked by his dedication, astute management, and lasting contributions to both Malayalam and Tamil cinema.