Kanakalata the actress who entertained the film and serial lovers for more than three decades, through 30 serials and 350 films in Malayalam and Tamil languages, is no more. She was 64. She was suffering from amnesia and Parkinson's disease. She died at her house in Thiruvananthapuram.
Kanakalata arrived in movies through stage plays. She was suffering the diseases for the last few years. Since October 22 she was admitted in ICU till November 5 last year. After 16 years of married life, she was divorced. She has no children.
The signs of her diseases were noticed in August 2021. Lack of sleep was the first symptom. On medical examination, it was found to be the beginning of dementia
Kanakalata was born Ochira, Kollam district on August 24, 1960 to Parameswaran Pillai and Chinnamma. She had acted in plays such as Pramani, Indulekha and Swati Tirunal. Her films include Chillu, Kariyila kattupole, Rajavinte Makan, Jagrata, Kireetam, Ente Sooryaputrikku, Ammayane Satyam, Adyathe Kanmani, Thacholi Varghese Chekavar, Spadikam, Bandhukkal Shatrukkal, Aniyathi Pravu, Harikrishnans, Mattuppetti Machan, Priyam, Panchavarna Thatha and Ākashaganga. Pookkalam released last year is her last film.