The hotel bills of Rs 80.6 lakhs issued by Radisson Blue Hotel in Mysuru where Prime Minister Narendra Modi stayed when he visited Mysure during April last year, are yet to be cleared. The hotel is now considering legal remedies to recover the amount with 18% interest.

PM Modi came to Mysuru on April 9 2023 to attend the 50th anniversary of Project Tiger of Karnataka Open University. He released the reports of the National Tiger Census. The event was organised by National Tiger Protection Authority jointly with Central Forest Environment Ministry. The estimated expenditure was Rs 3 Crores but it shot up to Rs 6.33 crores. The Union Government remitted Rs 3 Crores as per the estimate the balance was to be met by the state government, according to the National Tiger Protection Authority.

Though the Principal Chief Forest Conservator wrote letters to National Tiger Protection Authority about the impending unpaid bills, they were ignoring them. If the bill remain unpaid before June 1, the hotel would approach courts to recover the amount along with 18% interest thereon.

Meanwhile, Karnataka Minister for Forests Eashwar Khandre stated that the state government has no role to pay the unpaid bills.