Among the young jobless between 15 and 29 years, the maximum (31.8%) is in Kerala during the period Jan-March 2024, reports Periodic Labour Force Survey. The national average is 17% and the minimum (3.1%) is in Delhi. Jammu-Kashmir (28.2%), Telangana (26.1%) and Odisha (23.3%) are above Kerala in the list while Gujarat, Hariyana, Karnataka and Madhyapradesh are placed better with unemployment rates 9%, 9.5%, 11.5% and 12.1% respectively. National average of unemployment among youth during period Oct-Dec 2023 was 16.5%.During Jan-March 2023, it was 17.3%.
Among women of the same age group, Kerala comes second with 46.6% while J&K is with 48.6%. Among men, unemployed in Kerala is on top with 24.3 while Bihar comes second position with 21.2%.