A thief broke into the residence of celebrated Marathi poet and social activist Narayan Surve, currently inhabited by his daughter Sujata Ghare and her husband Ganesh Ghare. The couple, who were away visiting their son, returned to find several items missing. Among the stolen goods was a LED TV, which the thief later returned, leaving a note beside Surve's photograph expressing remorse for not realizing whose house it was. The thief apologized for the theft and vowed not to have taken anything had he known it belonged to Surve. Despite the returned TV, Sujata Ghare filed a police report as other valuables were still missing. Inspector Shivaji Dhawale confirmed they are investigating the case using fingerprints from the TV and CCTV footage. Narayan Surve, born in Mumbai and raised as an orphan, gained national acclaim for his poems depicting the struggles of the urban working class.