The Bombay Keraleeya Samithi Malad has instituted the Gramratnam Puraskaram in memory of late Saidu Mohammed, popularly known as IKKA, who was the founder of the popular Mumbai based Malayalam magazine "Gramaratnam". This annual award, commemorating Saidu Mohammed's death anniversary, honors individuals who have made exceptional contributions to social work and journalism. This year, the Gramaratnam Award was presented to Premlal Raman, producer and director of the renowned "Amchi Mumbai" program of KAIRALI TV. With an impressive journalism career spanning 25 years, Premlal Raman has worked with esteemed publications such as Whiteline Vartha and KAIRALI TV.
The award ceremony was held on April 5, 2024, at the Samajam office. President Adv Padma Divakaran extended a warm welcome to the gathering. Secretary Rakhee Sunil provided insights into the award's inception, while Treasurer K. P. Gopalakrishnan and committee members facilitated the event.
Notable guests, including A.K. Joy, Pappachan, Usha, Dipesh, Dinesh (Badlapur Samajam), Unnikrishnan, Ravindran, Kunjumon (Dahisar Samajam) et-al added to the occasion's significance.
The Gramarathnam Award, accompanied by a cash prize, was presented to Premlal , honoring his remarkable achievements and celebrating Saidu Mohammed's enduring legacy