Bangur Nagar Ayyappa Temple started its festival on Tuesday morning, 21st May 2024 with Laksharchana for Guruvayurappan followed by Recitation of Narayaneeyam and evening rituals. Dances of children were staged during evening followed by semiclassical dances and devotional songs. Wednesday morning will see talk on Nayaneeyam by Mohanararu Kantararu. After Brahmakalasdam at 7 pm, Kalalaya Nrutya Academy will present Bharat Natyam and Bhajan by Rakshasrivastavu.
Thursday morning will witness recitation of Narayaneeyam followed by special poojas. ASSB Matrusangham will present Kaikottikkali, Malayalam and Tamil devotional songs at 8.30 pm.
Flag hoisting will take place at 8.30 am on Friday and special pooja at 9.30am, followed by Sahasra kalash abhishekam, Bharat Natyam by Goregaon West Nrutyadarpan, Hindustani music at 8 pm, followed by spectacular procession of deities at 9.30 pm.
Navakabhishekam at 7.30 am on Saturday followed by Utsavabali, Bhajan by ASSB group at 5.30 pm; Karpoora deepa pradkshinam at 6 pm, Kathakali (Narakasura Vadham) by Kerala Kala Mandalam at 7 pm.
Sunday May 26 morning at 8.30 am will have Thirukootiyattam for Guruvayurappan, followed by at 12 noon, Annadanam. Same day evening will have Thrichandana Charth, devotional songs by L N Venugopal led devotional music. Kala Mandalam Narayanan will present at 8.30 Seeethangam Thullal followed by Vilakkezhunnallathu at 9.30 pm.
Programme for Monday are Navakabhishekam (7.30 am), Utsavabali (11 am), dance programmes at 7 pm and Chakyar Koothu by Kala Mandalam Sreenath (8.30 pm). Sarpabali pooja is on Tuesday at 7 pm. Marathi dance by students of Gana kalavidya nilayam of Goregaon West will follow. Afterwards, semiclassical dance by ARKJ Events at 8.30 pm. Wednesday evening will have dances by Nitya Dance Academy at 7 pm, Bharat Natyam by Tanjore Nrityasala at 8 pm. Team of Pallassana Nandakumar will stage Thayuambaka at 6.45 pm on Thursday, followed by cultural items by Lady’s wing of Goregaon West Malayali Samajaam. Paal payasam will be distributed at 9 pm followed by Pallivetta.
At 5 am on Friday, Palliyunarthal, Abhishekam, 8.30 am Aarattezhunnallathu, at 9.30 am Parhayetuppu, and lowering of temple flag, Evening at 7 pm, dance programme by Kala Samskruti School, Guru Shubhada Pathare and guru Dr Sandhya Pure, at 8 pm recitation of flute, at 9 pm Bharat Natyam and Krishnarppanam by Sujata Ramanath,
On Saturday, bhajan by ASSB group at 5 pm, Karpoora deepa pradikshanam at 7 pm, devotional songs by Thakurli Ganesh Iyer Group and classical dance at 8 pm, and at 9.30 pm Pallivetta of Guruvayurappan.
Sunday morning will see Palli neeraattu of Guruvayurappan and abhishekam, Aaraattezhunnallippu at 8.30 am, Thrikkotiyirakkal at 9.30 am, parhayeduppu, and at 7 pm, Kerala Kala Samiti will present Rituragasandhya, Harivarasanam and Nruthanrutyashilpam will be staged.