Sahitya Charcha of Kalyan Samskarika Vedi of East Kalyan Keraleeya Samajam was successfully held. This was the second edition of the monthly event. It was inaugurated by writer Kanakkoor Sureshkumar. Chief Guest artist Gayatri spoke about the “Sky of creative reading and preface of writing”. Rajan Panicker presided over the event. Samajam President Lalita Menon delivered the welcome address while Santosh Pallashana was the moderator. Ambili Ktrishnakumar, Rajam Teacher, Vinodkumar, Vedavyas, Gopalakrishnan, Udayakumar, K U Abraham, Kattoor Murali, KVS Nelluvai, Shaji Augustine et al alsop addressed the gathering. Former President of the Samajam K U Abraham garlanded Gayatri and Divya Santhosh proposed vote of thanks.