Pune Keraleeya Samajam, the oldest Malayali organization in Pune, will celebrate Onam and its 79th anniversary on September 22 at Alpa Bachat Bhavan in Pune Camp. The event will be inaugurated by Aswati Tirunal Gowri Lakshmibai, with actor Devan serving as the Chief Guest. Special guests include former PCMC corporator Babu Nair, former president of the Pune Malayali Federation Rajan Nair, and Ganeshkumar, MD of Ayoki Fabrication Pvt Ltd.

The festivities will begin at 12 noon with entertainment programs, followed by the Onam feast at 12:30 pm.

Physical competitions will start at 2 pm on Sunday at Wadia College Grounds, inaugurated by Brigadier Caravan Unna (Red) and featuring Col Italian Vasudevan (Retd) as the Chief Guest. Attendees are invited to participate in the Tug of War, and entry is free.

Onam-related art competitions will be held on September 1 from 10 am onwards at Vanampadi Mahatma Phule Sanskritic Bhavan. Dr. M.S. Parameswaran, Head of the Department of Music at Pune Viswakarma University, will oversee the event. Winners of these competitions will be awarded during the Onam celebrations.

For more details, please contact 98220 61992 or 98222 71700.