The representatives of Mumbai in Loka Kerala Sabha have demanded single window facility for their property transactions. Increase of trains to Kerala from other states and applying pressure on Railways to re-introduce the concession in train fare earlier allowed to senior citizens, were some of their other demands. Holding regional meeting of Loka Kerala Sabha in Mumbai, allotting office to Malayalam Mission in Kerala House, conducting migration survey of migrant Malayalees, preparing a time-bound vision plan under experts, implementing medical insurance plan etc were some of their other demands. They informed the Sabha that the organisation Care for Mumbai was willing to come forward to provide financial aid to economically weak Malayaless to remit the premium.
In the just concluded Sabha Meet at Thiruvananthapuram, 7 members and 8 invitees participated. M K Nawas, K Pavitran, Priya M Varghese, Thomas Olikkal, Jojo Thomas, Advocate K P Sreejith, Dr Oommen David, V K Muraleedharan, P V K Nambiar, Reena Santhosh, T V Ratheesh, R D Harikumar, C N Balakrishnan, Mohan kumar and Sunny Mathew attended. Artist Bose Krishnanachari was a special invitee.