Bombay Yogakshema Sabha has re-launched their mouthpiece ‘Pravasam’ on Mothers’ Day. It was done by well known Senior Kathakali artist Smt Radha Madhavan. The venue was Kerala House at Vashi.

Radha Madhavan, President Rajiv Mundayur, Secretary Suraj Njalur and ‘Pravasam’ Editor Viju Maruthasseri addressed the audience. In a symposium ‘Paniyi dangalile Pennperuma’ (female excellence in workplace), Dr Sujata Parameswaran, Sunita Ezhumavil, Krishnapriya Attupuram and Radha Madhavan participated. There was a dance performance by Krishna Bhadra, based on Changapuzha’s ‘Kavya Narthaki’.