Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) will possibly have new office bears at the top level this year. Idavela Babu, who strode to the post of General Secretary during the last quarter century, is not likely to continue. Present President Mohanlal has expressed his willingness to retire along with Babu.

Amma will hold its AGM at Kochi Gokulam Centre, Kochi on June 30. 5506 members are eligible to vote. Nominations will be accepted from June 3 onwards. What makes this meeting special is that an office bearer holding the post for the last 25 years wanted to vacate the post “A change is inevitable and it can happen only if I vacate the chair” Babu said. “Let new people come forward.”

Last year itself Babu wanted to quit but Mammootty’s emotional words made him to change the decision but this year he would stick to his decision. Since the formation of AMMA in 1994, Babu came to the leadership from third year. Then Innocent was president, Mammootty the General Secretary and Babu was Joint Secretary. When Mammootty and Mohanlal were General Secretaries, Babu was elevated to the post of Secretary. he became General Secretary in 2018.

In 2021, Mohanlal and Babu were unanimously elected but there were contests for other positions. When Maniyan Pilla Raju and Shweta Menon became Vice Presidents by votes, Lal and Vijay Babu were elected to Executive Committee after a fierce fight. Their opponents were Nivin Poli and Asha Sharath.