The Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce has elected new office bearers for a one-year term. Adv. P.R. Rajkumar has been appointed as Chairman, while Mini Venugopal will serve as Vice Chairman. This organization serves as an umbrella for artists in the Malayalam film and television industry, and the newly elected officials are tasked with strengthening the organization and expanding its activities.
Additionally, the free online workshop led by renowned film director P. Chandrakumar, which began on April 10, 2024, concluded on October 5, 2024. However, Chandrakumar continues to engage with his students and followers, who are organizing a celebration for his 70th birthday. They plan to release a suspense-filled crime thriller under the supervision of Sasidharan Nair, Founder Chairman and Managing Director of Malayalabhoomi.
The project aims to involve Malayalam film producers in Maharashtra, providing acting aspirants with the opportunity to participate in the film. Chandrakumar will offer short-term training to interested candidates. For more information, interested individuals can contact 9757281837. The new leadership team, including Adv. P.R. Rajkumar, Mini Venugopal, and Director Board members Santha Sasidharan Nair, Jaya Mohandas, Sudha Uthaman, and Sujata Surendran, is actively supporting this initiative, along with around 20 additional members from the Mumbai Chapter.