New Bombay Keraleeya Samajam distributed study materials to tribal children of Mod Village in the Nandurbar district of Northern Maharashtra. The children are students of Comrade BTR School, located 450 km away from Mumbai, and they belong to the Bheel Community.

Members of the Samajam collected materials such as cycles, umbrellas, notebooks, and other study materials. There are about 510 children in this school, ranging from first to tenth standards. The school has ten teachers and six Class IV employees. Apart from the staff salaries, the government does not provide any grants. The students receive free education.

The Samajam has been reaching out to this school every year since 2016. That year, social activist Kumar Shivalkar met Prakash Kattakkada, the general secretary of the Samajam, and explained the school's plight — the lack of essential facilities and the poverty of the parents, among other issues. Prakash presented this matter during a general meeting, and the Samajam decided to extend necessary assistance.

Kumar Shivalkar is an engineering graduate from IIT Bombay. He resigned from his job in 1970 to serve the tribal community and has been working among the tribals of Nandurbar since then. He brought the farm laborers under one umbrella, Shramic Sanghatana, and established this school.