Nasik Kerala Seva Samithi has elected their new youth wing members. Megha Nair is the President, Nimisha Pillai (Vice President), Greeshma Nair ( Secretary), Dino Mathews (Joint Secretary ), Vijayaraj Shivan (Tressurer), Mahesh Acharya (Sports Council), Atulya Sudhakaran, M. J. Aravindan (Social Media team) and Kavita Marar, Nibin Johnson, Sumesh Nair, Sameer, Deepak Nair, V. K. Sishira are the working committee members.

Samithi president Ranjit Nair and Secretary G. Murali Nair spoke on the occasion. Youth wing badminton tournament is scheduled to be held at Hrishi Nagar badminton hall on June 29.