The monthly session of Sahitya Vedi for August was held on Sunday, August 4, at Kerala Bhavanam, Matunga, with Shri E. Harindranath presiding. The meeting began with a moment of silence to honor the victims of the recent landslide in Wayanad. Shri Suresh Nair presented five mini-stories during the session. Participants in the subsequent discussion included M/s Mayadatt, P. S. Sumesh, Adv. P. R. Rajkumar, P. N. Vikraman, S. Harilal, C. P. Krishnakumar, Rekha Raj, K. P. Vinayan, P. Viswanathan, and E. Harindran Nair. Shri Suresh Nair elaborated on the contexts behind each story and discussed their impact. The session concluded with a vote of thanks proposed by the Convenor of Sahitya Vedi.