Mulund Kerala Samajam celebrated its 64th Annual Day in style on the evening of September 29 at Kalidas Natya Mandir in Mulund. The event was presided over by the Samajam's President, Kalasri C.K.K. Poduval, and inaugurated by Mumbai North East MP Sanjay Deena Patil during the cultural meet.

Special guests included film actress Nadia Moidu, Lion Kumaran Nair, and M.I. Damodaran, President of Sree Narayana Mandira Samiti. The gathering was also addressed by Samajam General Secretary C.K. Lakshminarayanan and Treasurer T.K. Rajendra Babu, while Edasseri Ramachandran proposed a vote of thanks.

The evening featured a grand musical program led by well-known singer Vivekanandan and his team, as well as a variety of dances performed by danseuse Paris Lakshmi and her troupe. Reji Ramapuram entertained the audience with a comedy show.

Vice President Oommen Michael and secretaries B.K.K. Kannan, Girish Kumar, Unnikuttan, Balakrishnan Nair, and Murali Nair played key roles in organizing the event, with Prasad Shoranur serving as the presenter.