In a chat given to ABP News Channel, Prime Minister Narendra Modi revealed that the world came to know Mahatma Gandhi after seeing the movie ‘Gandhi’ by Richard Attenborough.

During the last 75 years, the nation had a responsibility of telling the world about the existence of Gandhi but they failed to do so, Modi stated. People around the world knew Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela but the world did not know Gandhi. He forgot to tell that the two personalities mentioned by him were following Gandhi’s ideals without hearing about him. Modi said that during his extensive travel across the world, he came to know this fact. Modi is travelling to Kanyakumari for a three days meditation under extensive security protection.

Now the world would come to know Vivekananda after Modi’s meditation on Vivekananda Rocks, let’s hope. Considering Modi’s visit, the government has ordered high security and visitors barred from visiting Vivekananda Rocks.