Malayali couple to receive compensation of Rs 16 lakhs for medical negligence towards their lone son’s death by authorities of Tarapur Atomic Power Station Hospital run by Nuclear Power Station of India after 26 years of waiting, as per the judgements of National Consumer Disputes Remedial Commission.

The couple were fighting for the last 26 years to prove that the death of their son Harish admitted in their hospital was due to the medical negligence. Harish died on August 12 1998. When the condition of their son was not improving despite all the tests being done, the parents requested the hospital authorities to transfer they son to the hospital of BARC in Trombay, the latter did not heed to their request but continued to keep the son in their own hospital. Nevertheless, when the condition of Harish further deteriorated, he was transferred to BARC Hospital. By the time, the kidneys stopped functioning and breathing became critical. Since that hospital did not have adequate facilities to treat these disorders, he was transferred to Jaslok Hospital. Jaslok also could not save the patient.

The couple Haridasan Pillai of Haripad and his wife Chandrika approached several personalities for justice but did not get justice. Hence they approached National Commission against the decision of the State Commission and the National Commission reversed the decision. Though the hospital authorities argued all the possible ways were used under expert doctors, the National Commission held the view that it was their grievous negligence that caused the death.