Bowing before the memory of Poetess Sugathakumari, the Malayalam Mission announced the results of the Poem Recitation Contest. The videos submitted by contestants were reviewed on August 10 at 9 a.m. before a distinguished audience, and the results were declared on the same day. In the Sub-Junior Section, Shivasankar Krishna from the Powai-Sakinaka region secured the 1st place, Adi Deva Dileep from the Mahad-Kamothe region took the 2nd place, and Dyuti N. Sooraj from the Mumbra-Kalyan region won the 3rd place. In the Junior Section, Harita Menon from Kharghar-Airoli achieved the 1st place, Devika S. Nair from Nalasopara-Boisar was awarded the 2nd place, and Vaiga Shyju, also from Kharghar-Airoli, came in 3rd. In the Senior Section, Manasa Premnath from the Mahad-Kamothe region earned the 1st place, Kartik Vinod from Mumbra-Kalyan took the 2nd place, and Merin Anna Joyce from the Konkan region secured the 3rd place. The jury consisted of Madhu Nambiar, T.K. Muralidharan, and Manoj Mundayatt. The winners will now proceed to the global level of the competition. Chapter Secretary Ramachandran Mancharambathu welcomed the audience, Hari Nambiath served as the presenter, and Convenor Jeevarajan proposed the vote of thanks.