Maharani is pleased to announce the premiere of "Kanal Shikaram," a poignant social drama, at Madras Kerala Samajam Auditorium, Chennai on July 27th at 5:30 PM. Renowned Malayalam film director K. Madhu will grace the event as the chief guest, joined by business magnate and cinema producer Gokulam Gopalan, along with other esteemed celebrities. The highlight of the evening will be honoring residents from old age homes, specifically mothers who have been abandoned, with one mother receiving the key to her own house built by Maharani. Maharani, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the well-being of elderly in old age homes, is the brainchild of Mohan Nair, who has dedicated his life to this cause. "Kanal Shikaram," produced by Mohan Nair, is a culmination of true stories gathered from these homes, aiming to spark dialogue on parental neglect and abandonment. Written and directed by Krishnan Vadassery, the play delves into the poignant reality of elderly abandonment, aiming to provoke thought and reflection in its audiences. For more information, please contact: Mohan Nair, Mumbai Maharani +91 93448 31095