Sri Narayana Mandira Samiti Nerul East and West units, along with the Gurudevagiri Committee, will jointly celebrate Gurudeva Jayanti on August 20 at Gurudevagiri. The day's events will begin early in the morning with Nirmalyam at 5:00 am, followed by Guru Pooja at 8:00 am. At 10:00 am, there will be a Gurubhagavata recitation. Afternoon activities include entertainment at 3:00 pm and a musical rendition of Gurudeva’s poems by Pushpavati Poyppatath, Vice Chairperson of Kerala Sangeeta Akademi, at 6:00 pm. Archana and Deeparadhana will take place at 6:45 pm, followed by Gurusahasranamarchana at 7:30 pm. The celebrations will conclude with Chataya Sadya at 8:30 pm.