The golden jubilee celebrations of the Bombay Yogakshema Sabha, aptly named ‘Disha@50,’ commenced with an inaugural function held in Dombivli, coinciding with this year’s Onam celebrations.

The ceremony featured the lighting of the Yakushima lamp, accompanied by fifty singers who came together to perform ‘Suvarnageetam,’ making the event truly memorable.

President Radhakrishnan Muntayoor presided over the event, while Secretary Sooraj Njaloor welcomed the participants. Viju Maruthasseril, Murali Kaplingad, Murali Narippatta, Sreedharan Akkarachittoor, Mohanan Alakkat, and Murali Kovoor addressed the audience, followed by a variety of entertainment. During the celebrations, a music album titled ‘Parhayiyamma’ by Sunita Ezhumavu was released, and a short Marathi film featuring Krishnamohan Netumpalli was screened. Krishnapriya served as the presenter.

Bindu Ravi proposed a vote of thanks. A highlight of the event was the Onam Sadya prepared by the young women's wing under the supervision of Alakkat Mohan and Murali Kaplingad.

In the ‘Pookkalam Malsaram’ competition, the BARC team secured first place, and a rope-pulling contest concluded the celebrations.

The golden jubilee festivities will continue until next Onam, featuring music, dance, and literary competitions, as informed by the office bearers.