The fifty-year milestone of Mumbai's Lord Guruvayurappan Temple at Asthika Samaj Matunga, affectionately known as Kochu Guruvayoor Temple, will conclude on May 30. Guiding the ceremonies is a team of 25 priests from Kerala, led by P.C. Dineshan Namboothiripad, the thantri of Guruvayoor Temple. Since its installation in 1974 by Parameshwaran Namboothiripad, this temple has been a spiritual cornerstone for many.

Rituals of Rig Veda Laksharchana, Yajur Veda Laksharchana, Sama Veda Mura recitals, and Prathishta day rituals have marked the celebratory journey. K. Ramakrishnan from the Samaj shares that the festivities include auspicious ceremonies like Brahma Kalasa Pooja, Vastu Kalash Puja, and Brahma Kalasabhishekam. This jubilee isn't just a commemoration; it's a testament to the enduring spiritual legacy cherished by devotees over five decades.