Dr K Sudhakar, the successful candidate in the recently held election to parliament, from Chikkabellapura constituency in Karnataka, treated his electorate with a party. He made arrangement for 15,000 guests. The invitees were made to understand that foreign liquor would be served to all. By the time the party started, about 60,000 turned in, breaking all security arrangements. The liquor was served in the presence of police. Along with Dr Sudhakar, leader of Opposition Asoka also arrived. Both of them belonged to BJP. The matter of distribution of liquor was mentioned when the application for permission was sought by the local BJP President Jagadish Chowdhary. Permission for distribution of liquor was denied and the organisers were warned of action if distribution was done. Later, permission was obtained from Excise Department. Liquor for serving was transported through lorries. Following this incident, Dy CM D K Sivakumar of Congress Party came with objections and demanded explanation from BJP President Nadda. Minister of Health Dinesh Gundu Rao wanted to know how BJP defend the culture of serving liquor to public. In the previous state government cabinet, Dr Sudhakar was minister for health. In the last state assembly election, he was defeated and so he contested to Lok Sabha and won.