Forest department of Kerala paid Rs 2000 towards the loss of four cocks swallowed by a python, to a poulter. K V George Katavan is a poulter from Konnakkad in Malom village and he stays in a house along Vattakayam Road. He had a cock house in front of his house and he was maintaining cocks and hens in a poultry house. One day in 2022 June, he found one of the cocks less. Often, he found the number reducing. One day he found a python in the poultry house and he duly informed the forest department. Their staff came and took away the python to leave it in forest. They assured him that he would be compensated if an application is made. Though George filed an application, he did not get any compensation and he made several rounds. He even appealed to the Secretary of Department of Forests. On June 1, 2023, when the concerned minister Ahmed Devarkovil visited the town in connection of an Adalat, George met him with copies of his correspondence. He told the minister, “if the snake is yours, the cocks are mine and so I should receive compensation.” Minister assured him that he would look into the matter. Still the matter was not resolved and George was preparing to approach the Human Rights Commission. Now, George received his compensation of Rs 2000 for the 4 cocks he lost to the python.