The FAIMA Maharashtra Malayali Welfare Cell has elected Unni V George as its new President, with Balan Panicker assuming the role of Secretary. Dr. Madhukumar Nair has been appointed Vice President, while Krishnankutty Nair joins as Joint Secretary. In various regions, the following members have been elected: Ranjit Rameshan and Manukumar (Amravati), Saji P Cherian and Srikumar S Pillai (Konkan), Gopakumar and Jyotish Pillai (Marathwada), Manikandan and Rajani Anu (Mumbai), N. Vasudevan (Vidarbha), Rajesh Kurup and Viswanathan Pillai (North Maharashtra), and Sarath Menon and Girish Swamu (Western Maharashtra) as zonal convenors.