Kalamandalam C Gopalakrishnan and his troupe re-enacted Duryodhana Vadham Kathakali at Ajitkumar Nair Hall, Mulund under the auspicious of Mulund Kerala Samajam and Bhakta Sangham Temple Trust. Kalakshetram Ranjit Nair, Kalamandalam Gopalakrishnan and Kalanilayam Anilkumar played the roles of Duryodhanan, Rodra Bheeman and Dussasanan respectively. Kalanilayam Arjun Varier played roles of Shakuni and Mumukshu. Kalakshtram Divya Nandagopan appeared as Panchali. Shilpa Varier and Sujata Arun played Srikrishna and Yudhishtiran respectively. Kalamandalam M S Girisan gave ample support as vocal singer. The Samajam is holding a mega programme for Onam in September and the first sale of pass and release of brochure were done by President of CKK Poduval along with General Secretary C K Lakshminarayanan and Treasurer T K Rajendra Babu.