Maharashtra MSME director Prashant Parlewar was arrested by Crime Branch Nagpur on charge of alleged contract killing of businessman Purushotham Puttewar.(82). Personal Assistant Payal Nageshwar and niece of deceased Purushotham Puttewar, Archana were also arrested. Archana is assistant director in Department of Town Planning at Gudchiroli. Three other persons were also arrested besides them. Archana was arrested one week ago while Prashant was arrested last Tuesday.
Businessman Puttewar died, hit by a car, on last May 22. Police initially treated it as an accident later, police investigation revealed that the car accident was the result of a conspiracy to kill him. The murder was the result of a transaction between the Puttewar-Parlewar families. Police has not revealed the complete details. Two days after the car accident, younger brother of Puttewar died. Police is investigating this case also. Archana’s brother Praveen Parlewar died in 2004 and father Madhukar died in 2006. Her sister also committed suicide. Police wanted to clear their doubts if all these deaths had any connection with these deaths.