Bhopal branch of Progressive Kala Sahitya Sangham held a meeting on the occasion of Centenary of Vaikkom Satyagraha, a historical event, and also to present the Gopan Nellikkal Literary Award. The venue was Hema School Auditorium in Bhopal. PKSS Unit president K R Manoj presided over the event and secretary Shau S Dharan welcomed the audience.

Writer, cultural activist and orator K R Kishore inaugurated the meeting. He spoke on the topic ‘Navothana(Renaissance)thinte Varthamanam.’

PKSS Bhopal Unit has instituted literary awards for the migrant writers on an all India level, in memory of migrant writer and social activist Gopan Nellikkal. Kattoor Murali and Sajid Mohammed of Chennai received the awards for short story and poetry respectively, from K R Kishore. The award consists of a purse of Rs 7,000 and trophy.

Editor of Layam magazine G Tulaseedharan delivered the Gopan Nellikkal Memorial Lecture. Winners of painting and elocution contests also received their awards. Teachers of Malayalam Mission presented folk song while students performed various kinds of dances. Former Principal of Hema School Usha Viswanathan proposed a vote of thanks.