Sree Narayana Guru Deva Temple of Mamurdi Sai Nagar, Dehu Road, under Sree Narayana Guru Samiti, Pune, celebrated the 22nd anniversary of its consecration. Temple Tantri (also of Sivagiri Mathom) Swami Sivanarayana Theertha inaugurated the celebrations. In a meeting presided over by SNGS Pune President, J Chandran, Dr P K C Bose was the Chief Guest. Former corporators Sasi Damodaran, Balasaheb Oval, Pratijna Ghanolkar, social activist Bapu Dilkar Kathle, Rajendra Taras, Dr Jitesh Kadam, Sivagiri Mathom Secretary C P Raju, Vice President K P Kumar, Chairperson of Women’s Wing Sajani Sarasappan, Chairperson of Yuvajana Sangham Shubha Subhash, Ansari Gopinath, et al participated. Celebration was comprised of procession, Kalasapooja, Sudarsana pooja and Sarvaishwara pooja.