Bombay Keraleeya Samaj has celebrated VISHU on a grand scale along with the release of "Vishala Keralam" Vishu special edition on Sunday the 7th April 2024 at Navathi Memorial Hall, Kerala Bhavanam, Matunga.
Vice Chancellor Prof V. N.. Rajasekharan was the chief guest. Samajam President Dr. S. Rajasekharan Nair presided over the meeting.
Secretary Vinod Kumar V Nair welcomed the gathering and joint secretary T. A. Sashi gave a vote of thanks. A. R. Devadas, editor of Vishala keralam, treasurer R. N. Suresh Kumar, cultural section convener R. V. Venugopal also spoke on the occasion.
The celebration ended with cultural programmes by the samajam members and Vishu Kani