The Bombay Kerala Muslim Jama-at, which has a proud 75-year history of charitable activities, recently held its Annual General Meeting to elect new office bearers. The meeting was inaugurated by Chief Patron T. A. Khalid and presided over by outgoing President V. A. Khader. After a prayer led by Azim Moulavi, the proceedings commenced. Special guests included MLA Amin Patel and NORKA Development Officer Rafiq. The meeting was addressed by General Secretary K. P. Moidunni, Treasurer M. A. Khalid, Secretary P. V. Siddiq, T. K. C. Mohammedali, C. H. Abdul Rahman, Aziz Maniyur, Vakman Mahamuud, V. K. Sainuddin, Imbichi Moidi, Hamza Ghatkopar, and others.

The newly elected office bearers are T. K. C. Mohammed Ali (President), C. H. Abdul Rahman (General Secretary), Vakman Mahamuud (Treasurer), with M. A. Khalid, C. M. Ummer, and Mashhood Manikkoth serving as Vice Presidents. The Secretaries are Mustafa Kumbol, Azim Moulavi, and C. M. Muhammed Anzar.