A young woman of 32 was brutally raped in Nalasopara of Palghar district by two young men. It happened on September 14 evening. The young woman was on her way to pick her child from the tuition class. Two men came from behind and one forcefully covered her mouth and dragged her to a deserted area. The men threatened the woman with a knife and raped her. The police revealed the names of the culprits as Jitendra Yadav and Avi Jaiswal who are now absconding. Finding injury on her private parts, her husband enquired the reason and then the young woman described the incident. He immediately contacted the police and they are now investigating.

Since the last 20 days, Vasai-Nalasopara region witnessed three incidents earlier. On August 22, a 17 year old was raped by two men at Dhaniv of Nalasopara, on September 3 two people raped a woman in Vasai and after six days a 14 year old was also subjected to similar incidence.