Hadappsar Ayyappa-Devi Temple is celebrating their Anniversary from June 11 to June 14. The celebration will start with Acharyavaranam on June 11 at 6 p m and would last four days. After Deeparadhana, Tantri of the temple Antaladi Parameswaran Namboothiripad will hoist the temple flag. On 12th, Maha Ganapati Homam (6.30 a m) and Navakam-Panchagavya Kalasham at 9 a m onwards for Ayyappa-Devi accompanied by Chendamelam, From 6 p m onwards, Thayampaka by Vikhyat Nair and his group, Athazha pooja and Sreebhootabali will be conducted. On June 13, at 6 a m, Maha Ganapati Homam, Ushahppooja, Sreebhootabali, Mrutyunjaya Homam, Navagruha pooja, Navakam-Panchagavya Kalasham, and at 6 p m, after deeparadhana, bhagavai pooja, Athazha pooja, Sreebhutabali etc will be held. On June 14 at 6 a m, Maha Ganapati Homam, Ushah Pooja, Bhagavata Parayanam, Sreebhutabali, and unhoisting of temple flag. On all days, morning, noon and night, annadaanam will be held. For further information and bookings of offering, devotees may contact President T V Rajan Nair on 98906 63155.