Amitabh Bachchan is now receiving the highest remuneration as the presenter of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) as it enters its 16th season. He is believed to earn Rs 5 crores per episode. Five episodes air each week. When the program began in 2000, he was paid Rs 25 lakhs per episode. By the fourth season, his remuneration had increased to Rs 25 lakhs per episode. During the sixth season, it rose to Rs 1.5 crores, and by the eighth season, it had climbed to Rs 2 crores. It reached Rs 3 crores during the tenth season. As the number of viewers has increased, so has his remuneration. At one point, Amitabh was in a debt trap, and Kaun Banega Crorepati came to him as a divine boon.