Maharashtra Chapter of All India Malayali Association has elected its new office bearers. They are: T A Khalid (President), K N Jyotindran Muntakkal (Chairman), Ajay Kamalasanan and Shriratnan Nanu (Vice Presidents), K Natarajan (Secretary), Suma Mukundan & Saji Krishnankutty (Jt Secretary), G Komalan (Treasurer), K V Joseph, (JT Treasurer), Rakhi Sunil (Women’s Wing Co-convenor), Sobin Surendran (Youth Wing Convenor), Upendra Menon & Murali P Narayanan (Central Committee Rep), Muralidharan V K, Dr Sureshkumar Madhusoodanan, Sainuddin V K, Vijayachandran, E P Vasu, Sakaria Sakaria, Kurian Sakaria ,Abhijit Jyotindran Muntakkal, Santoshkumar Ramesan, Sasankan P G, Prasad Murupel, Vinay R Pillai and Anilkumar Pillai (Managing Committee members). G A K Nair is the Internal Auditor.
President T A Khalid presided over the meeting. Secretary K T Nair presented the annual report. G Komalan presented the accounts. Central Committee observer Sunilkumar and special invitee and Rajasthan State President K R Manoj addressed the members. S Kumar was the Presiding Officer for the election. Chairman K N Jyotindran Muntakkal stated that an office would soon be opened in Mumbai to enhance the activities.