The Ahmedabad Kerala Samajam of Taltej Ward celebrated Onam on a grand scale. The morning session featured a Pookkalam contest and drawing competitions, followed by an Onam feast at the Vanik Samaj Hall. The evening session took place at the J.G. International School Auditorium, showcasing a cultural meet and entertainment programs. The chief guest for the cultural meet was writer and film director Manilal.

AKS President C. Gireesan, General Secretary Benny Varghese, Vice President Alex Luckose, Ward President N.S. Babu, Ward Secretary K.G. Rajeev, Stree Sakthi Ward Coordinator Sheena Manoj, Ward Youth Wing Convenor Ganesh Kartha, Ward Arts Secretary Manju Rajeev, and Joint Arts Secretary Sheena Menon jointly lit the bhadradeepam.

The activities of the Sthree Sakthi and Youth Wing were explained by the office bearers, and prizes were awarded to the winners of various contests. Senior members aged 75 and above were honored. The cultural events included traditional Kerala dances and songs, as well as Garba performances.