Mira Road resident Fatima Khatoon gave birth to a baby while travelling from Kolhapur to Mumbai in Mahalakshmi Express. Fatima is already having three male kids. The new baby is named Mahalakshmi as the woman was coming from Tirupati to Mahalakshmi Temple in Mumbai. Fatima and her husband Husain Tayyab were travelling together and when the train reached Lonavla, Fatima went to toilet. When she was not returning even after some time, Husain went in search of her. Then he realised his nine month pregnant wife gave birth to the baby and informed the railway authorities. When the train reached Karjat, a medical team was waiting for them. Fatima was taken to district hospital.

Though children born inside the train were earlier granted free travel for life, there is no rule as such, the railway officials clarified.