Several Malayalam actors and industry figures, including CPI (M) MLA Mukesh, have been booked by Kerala police following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report. The allegations of sexual misconduct have implicated actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Edavela Babu, Maniyanpilla Raju, film production controller Noble, and Congress-affiliated Lawyers Association leader V. S. Chandrasekharan.
Mukesh has denied the allegations, calling them 'blackmail tactics.' In a recent television interview, Mukesh’s former wife alleged that he had engaged in domestic violence. She stated that she did not seek a divorce earlier due to persuasion from Mukesh’s father, the late actor O. Madhavan. She eventually divorced Mukesh following Madhavan's death. Mukesh later married danseuse Methil Devika, who also divorced him after a brief period.
Director Ranjit, who was booked by police earlier this week following accusations of sexual abuse from 2009, now faces additional allegations from a transgender individual from Kozhikode. The complainant claimed to have been sexually abused by Ranjit in 2012 when he was 21 years old.
In response to these developments, there is growing pressure for Ranjit’s resignation from the assembly. Women in Thiruvananthapuram marched to his residence and attempted to breach the gates, but police intervened. The CPI, the second-largest party in the Left alliance, has called for Ranjit’s resignation and has approached Chief Minister Vijayan. While CPI leaders Annie Raja and Binoy Viswam have demanded his resignation, CPI (M) remains resistant to this move. Writer T. Padmanabhan and Sara Thomas have also supported the call for his resignation. CPI (M) convener E. P. Jayarajan stated that Mukesh would resign following the precedent set by two Congress MLAs who had resigned under similar circumstances.
Police have collected evidence related to the period Ranjit spent at Mascot Hotel, where he is alleged to have misbehaved with a Bengali actress. However, Ranjit has not been arrested due to a court order preventing his arrest for five days.
Additionally, a case of sexual assault has been registered against documentary director Vineet and movie reviewers Santhosh Varkey, Alin Jose Pereira, and two others, based on a complaint from a 34-year-old trans woman who alleged that she was assaulted by them last April.