The Kerala Police have registered a rape case against prominent Malayalam actor and former General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), Siddique, following a complaint by a young actress. The complainant, who earlier this week made her allegations public through the media, led Siddique to step down from his position. His resignation prompted a mass resignation by AMMA members. The complainant, an aspiring actress, found the courage to expose rampant sexual abuse and flagrant gender injustice in the film industry. Her bravery has led several other actresses to come forward with their own accounts of exploitation. An FIR has been filed under Sections 376 and 506 of the IPC at Thiruvananthapuram City Police Station. Siddique has claimed that the case is an attempt by certain individuals to tarnish the reputation of the Malayalam film industry and has called for these individuals to be exposed. In a related development, another case has been registered against director Ranjit based on a complaint from a Bengali actress, alleging misconduct during pre-production discussions for a 2009 film. The state government is facing criticism from opposition parties and members of the Left Democratic Front (LDF) for its perceived 'go-slow' approach in the Ranjit case. Critics argue that the handling of this case contrasts with the earlier situation involving former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy, who was neither arrested nor resigned in a similar case. Further allegations have surfaced against actor and MLA Mukesh, with calls for appropriate action from the CPI (M). Director Vinayan has also written to Chief Minister Vijayan, urging the removal of director B Unnikrishnan from the committee responsible for film policy decisions due to allegations of misconduct. Additionally, a young man has accused Ranjit of sodomizing him 12 years ago when he sought a role in one of Ranjit's films.