Kochi police are actively searching for actor Siddique after the Kerala High Court denied his anticipatory bail plea in a high-profile molestation case. Authorities fear he may flee the country, leading to a lookout notice at airports. Despite monitoring his two residences, Siddique remains untraceable, with reports suggesting he has gone into hiding.
The court's ruling followed new evidence and witness testimonies that further implicated Siddique. The defense team's claims of a fabricated narrative were rejected, as the court found the complainant's statements credible.
In a separate case, actor-legislator M. Mukesh has been arrested in connection with a rape case, although he is expected to be released after a medical examination. Mukesh, who previously secured anticipatory bail, was questioned for three hours by the Special Investigation Team (SIT). Additionally, actor Jayasurya and Edavela Babu are also facing accusations related to sexual misconduct in light of the Justice Hema Committee report, which highlighted serious issues within the Malayalam film industry.
As investigations continue, several actresses have come forward with allegations, leading to a total of 17 cases filed against male industry members.