Over three decades ago, a unique incident occurred at Guruvayur Temple, where a large crowd gathered for a special day with over 100 weddings scheduled. During the ceremonies, two sets of brides, confused by similar names and attire, mistakenly joined the wrong grooms. The mix-up was only realized after the rituals were complete. The families accepted the incident as divine intervention and left the venue.

This story was featured on the front page of Mathrubhumi Daily and inspired the 1992 Malayalam film Grihapravesam, starring Jagdish and Rekha, among others. More recently, Guruvayurambalanatayil also explored a similar theme.

Now, a Hindi film titled Laapataa Ladies, produced by Aamir Khan Films and directed by Kiran Rao, is garnering attention for its take on the accidental bride exchange, set during a train journey after the wedding. This film is being nominated for consideration for the Oscar Award for Best Foreign Film.