Information has been leaked that a former Branch Manager of the Bank of Maharashtra, Vadakara Branch, has run away with gold pledged by customers against loans. He is alleged to have replaced the gold ornaments with fake jewelry before escaping. The quantity of gold missing from the bank is estimated to be 26.24 kilograms, valued at Rs 17.20 crores. The involved Branch Manager, namely Madha Jayakumar from Pothi Street, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, took away 26,244.20 grams of jewelry, alleges the new manager. The police are investigating the matter. This happened between June 13 and July 6. Madha Jayakumar was recently transferred to Ernakulam but did not report to take charge, which made his superiors suspicious. Subsequent verification revealed the forgery. Although his mobile was active until August 13, it is now found to be switched off. When the news came out, anxious customers rushed to the bank but were assured that they would not lose their jewelry.