Actor Siddique, General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA), defended the Malayalam film industry in light of the Justice Hema Committee report on harassment issues faced by women in the field. Siddique emphasized that the entire industry should not be blamed for the "stray incidents" reported. He clarified that AMMA welcomed the report, noting that it did not accuse the association of any wrongdoing, and there is no controlling power group or mafia in the industry.

Vice President of AMMA, Jagdish, countered by asserting that violence against women should not be minimized as mere "stray incidents." He called for a thorough investigation and accountability for those implicated, questioning why the report was released only after removing the names of those accused.

Actress Jomol, an AMMA executive committee member, claimed she was unaware of any incidents mentioned in the report. Siddique stated that AMMA would deliberate on the report's recommendation for legal action based on witness statements, while Jagdish insisted that names of perpetrators should be disclosed and justice served.