New Bombay Cultural Centre conducted their fourth Film Award Nite at Vashi CIDCO Hall. The award for the best actor was shared by Vishnu Unnikrishnan and Bibin George, Nikhila Vimal is the best actress. While Saiju Kurup received the Special Jury Award, Ramesh Pisharodi received the award for best director. Riaz Khan, Biju Narayanan, Nitya Maman, Idavela Babu, Kumari Devanandana (Malikappuram), Kunhikrishnan Master, Ranjin Rajm Chitra Nair, Devika, Nandu Poduval, Sudan Kaiveli and Sudish Nair, working in various capacities also received awards. Talented artistes performing in various channels presented music, dance and comedy items. Kalari payattu by Ashtapadi Kalari Sangham and dance performancews by members of NBCC made impact to the Film Awards Nite. Ashish Abraham and Jeenu Nazir were the Compeers.