Nerul Gurudevagiri has chartered various rituals to be performed during Ramayana Masam starting from July 16 till August 16. Everyday during this period will have Karkitaka Pooja and Annadanam. The rituals will commence with Ganapati Homam, visesha archana, abhishekam, Ramayana Parayanam, Bhagavathi Seva 7.15 pm onwards followed by Mahaprasadam and Annadanam.
Devotees can book Karkitaka pooja on their day of star and the booking has been started. Samooha Mrityunjaya Homam on Aug 10 at 7.15 pm and Sarvaishwarya pooja on Aug 15 will be conducted. For details contact 73040 85880 or 90041 43880.