The iconic Malayalam films Neelakkuyil (1954) and Bhargavi Nilayam (1964) hold a special place in Kerala's cinematic history, both scripted by literary giants P.C. Kuttikrishnan (Uroob) and Vaikom Mohammed Basheer. Produced by T.K. Pareekutty under Chandratara Productions, Neelakkuyil was a breakthrough with a budget of Rs. 1.36 lakh, while Bhargavi Nilayam was directed by Vincent and featured haunting songs by Baburaj.
Neelakkuyil, based on Uroob's Kannada adaptation, had a remarkable 100-day run in theaters. It won the Second Best Film award from the Indian government and featured legendary songs like "Kayalarikathu." The film marked the beginning of a successful partnership between Uroob and the crew, including music director Raghavan and actor Sathyan.
Bhargavi Nilayam, adapted from Basheer's works, was a milestone for director Vincent and actor Madhu. The film's captivating dialogues and melodious Hindustani music resonated with audiences, further solidifying Basheer’s place in cinema. Both films were marked by innovative filmmaking and memorable performances, remaining cherished in Kerala’s cinematic legacy.