The Kshetrakala Vaadhyasangam Mumbai is set to host a grand event celebrating the talents of its 2nd batch of students. Scheduled for July 13th at the Kalyan Ayyappa Temple in Katemanivali, Kalyan East, the day promises a rich display of musical mastery. The event will commence with the Melam Arangetram from 8 am to 11 am, featuring performances under the guidance of Guru Shri Anilkumar Poduval. Later in the day, from 5 pm to 10 pm, the Thayambaka Arangetram will take center stage, with the esteemed Padmashri Mattanur Sankarankutty Marar gracing the occasion as the guest of honor. It's an opportunity to witness the blossoming talents in traditional percussion arts in a vibrant cultural setting.